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1. open photoshop
2. click on file
3. click on new
4. fill in name Salsedo_M_CM
5. change file size to inches 8 ½ by 11 at 200 dpi
6. save as choose the location click on save
7. access the internet
8. look for an image of a female human celebrity
9. right click on the image save as choose location click ok
10. look for an image of a male human celebrity save it
11. **Note: Make sure both celebrities have nothing in common and are shot at the same frame parameters
12. Open the two saved pictures in photoshop
13. Select which celebrity you will work with first
14. Make a selection of the celebrity to cut the celebrity out of the background
15. Press command + J to make a new layer of the selection to isolate your celebrity
16. Move your isolated celebrity to your blank document
17. Repeat for the male celebrity
18. Choose your first celebrity and turn them into a caricature
19. Make a selection of the head of the celebrity press command + J to make a new layer of the selection
20. Click on filters
21. click on filter gallery
22. click on liquify
23. manipulate the face by using the push pucker and bloat tools
24. click on the body layer of the celebrity you just completed
25. click on edit > transform > warp > warp your celebrities body to make the top bigger than the bottom
26. select both the head and the body by left clicking on one layer then pressing and holding shift and left clicking on the next layer then right click and merge layers
27. create a new blank layer above your merged head and body
28. use sticky note at the bottom of the layers panel
29. click on edit
30. click on fill
31. choose fifty percent grey as fill color
32. using your burn and dodge tools set the opacity to 40% choose a soft brush then use the tools to accentuate the highlights and shadows
33. select your celebrity head and body layer click on filter click on filter gallery click on paint daubs filter adjust the levels so you can see the effect in your preview menu
34. click on your blur tool and choose a soft brush and blur the entire surface of your image
35. repeat steps for your other celebrity
36. position your celebrities In the center of the document in an interacting way
37. now that you have your main characters choose or make a background for them
38. click on the text tool click on the document choose the color for your text and font write the title of your magazine must be an orginal name and school appropriate this is a tabloid magazine
39. **Note: you can reference other magazines for inspiration
40. Put the date on the magazine and make sure it is Fridays date
41. Make up a volume number and place that on the magazine
42. Find a barcode on the internet to place on the lower right hand corner of the magazine
43. Locate three additional images from the internet to use as teasers on the front cover a teaser is a small image and text describing an article in the magazine refer to other magazines for reference
44. Turn those three images to caricatures following steps for caricatures
45. Save your work as a psd and jpeg
46. Turn in work
47. Save work
48. Remember to write your paragraph about how you repeated this project

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